Monday, September 17, 2012

Name: Battlefield 3: Armored Kill Expansion
Release date: 09/11/2012
Current price: $49.99 or 4000 MS points
Genre: 3rd person Shooter
Publisher: EA
Developer: Dice
Rating: M
Number of players both local and online (more specifically online split screen if fps or not able)

Number of local players:1
Number of players online: 2-24
(resolution) wire compatibility VGA, Component, HDMI
Game is in full HD (HDMI, Component) but can be played through AV. (we recommend HD)

This expansion pack does not expand upon the campaign at all, but instead delivers a massively chaotic (in a good way) online experience. Most players do not enjoy being spawn killed, but there is something about a balanced AC-130 (yes I did just say balanced AC-130) shelling all around your spawn and trees and debris flying everywhere while trying to scramble for the nearest ATV to get the hell out of dodge. A cute scenario for a cutscene, but also my first spawn into the new armored kill expansion. Since we are on the topic the AC-130 is one of the newest additions to the multiplayer experience.

The call of duty killstreak favorite is now controlled directly by a flight crew made up of in game players! As terrifying as it is from the ground the beast still packs an air to air punch with its vulcan mini-guns, however since the plane is on rails (very much like our favorite disney rides) it is a little the challenge of peppering a enemy aircraft is no easy task. Even with the preset fight plan one good burst from a vulcan will most certainly disable or destroy most enemy aircraft. The AC-130 is also equipped with many flares and flies high making it nearly impossible to take down with a shoulder fired launcher. This solid defense does not make it invincible however; a seasoned jet pilot can rain on the AC-130s parade with two solid passes setting it ablaze and ultimately destroying the craft. The downing of one of these badass machines is a huge morale booster and is almost immediately followed by a strong push by the team that shot it down.

The new armored units in the game pack a heavy punch, however the splash damage seems to be quite underpowered compared to that of the Abrams and T-90. The accuracy of these new machines seems quite high and the speed makes them very formidable as a light troop transport or fast attack vehicle. Honestly the replay value of the game itself hasn’t changed, but has been made the slightest bit more entertaining. As filling as this meal of a add-on is it still left me hungering for more. I feel the maps are too large for console play and often its a struggle on a few maps to even stay in the fight unless you are spawning into enemy fire. This is a major issue within this franchise. The maps have been getting larger and larger and the unlimited sprint is a plus, but without the players to occupy the space on the maps it is useless to have so much area. I would like to see a 20 on 20 console game not a 12 on 12. This is one of the few flaws that Battlefield has on the console and due to this many would be players stick to faster paced games like call of duty.

Special features: New armored units and air support such as AC-130

-Armor customization/ Loadouts
-same loadout system as BF3

Realism: Pretty standard for a Battlefield game, pretty scenery with less focus on gun graphics.

Overall: This is a pretty kick ass add-on as far as size and scope. I'm not sure it was worth the $49 premium membership, but ill decide that at a later date.

Personal rating is an 7/10.
